Since the onset of the recent pandemic, the push to support local has been strong. The benefits of buying local and/or supporting Canadian based businesses have been well documented, however the most important fact to know is every dollar spent locally re-circulates with other local businesses creating $7 of local economic activity.
There are a lot of reasons to buy from local businesses, however during the pandemic, there is an even more pressing reason such as the potential for compromised supply chains. Right now it’s essential to understand where your products are coming from.
According to the 2016 census, 31, 520 farms in Canada grow soybeans with Ontario as the larges followed by our own province of Manitoba. There 200 registered soybean varieties in Canada that are tolerant to specific environments, diseases and pests, however 33% fewer soybeans would be harvested in Canada without pesticides and biotechnology.
As an expanding list of Canadian farm exports are hitting obstacles at foreign ports, perhaps it’s time to think local. At Soy-Max Proteins, we are interested in speaking with local farmers in regards to our available soybean bids. If you’re a local farmer, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today.